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Optimising women’s health and wellbeing through ancient holistic practices and
indigenous medicine

the series

re-starts 15th may 2022

IN-HOUSE & online

11.30am - 4.30pm


1.       The power of the female form and it's importance of women’s health -
How has the female form been depicted throughout time?
How to realise female power and potential in all that exists (what can we learn from evidence based ancient wisdom traditions and the indigenous approach women’s health)


2.       How has western society contributed to a deterioration in women’s health? -
Idealism, the conditioned media and the true quest for natural beauty
Sexual energy displacement (the desire for a man)
Impact of western medicine on Women’s health


3.       Impact of environment on women's health (epigenetics) 

4.       Optimising women’s health through ancient holistic practices and indigenous herbal medicine -
How ancient wisdom health-based practices can help restore balance the female reproductive cycle and help manage transitions (menopause, hormonal imbalance, menstrual irregularities). The Flame’s model also incorporates cultural resilience, empowerment, identity, enculturation, awareness and spiritual emergence, and traditional healing practices. Reverence to our teachers.

Price: £75.00 per workshop 

Venue: Choose to attend in-house or via zoom online
The Flame, Dot Com House, CV5 6GY

Your teacher:

Sonya Kaur has dedicated 10+ years of internal lived-experience, external research, and experiential self-practice to the exploration of the human condition, the divine feminine historic contexts and the link between women's health, sacred indigenous medicine and ancient wisdom rooted in the eastern healing modalities. The AFW course first ran in 2018 for the first time.


Exuberant Right-Mindfulness teacher, qualified Authentic Leadership facilitator & Gurmat Psycho-Spiritual Therapist, she founded the scientifically-backed 'Ancient Feminine Wisdom Series' in 2017 which focuses on teaching women how to optimise their reproductive and general health & wellbeing through ancient divine feminine wisdom, authentic holistic practices and indigenous medicine. She is passionate about transpersonal human potential and has a background in Neuroscience, Epigenetics and exposing the joy of human connection; her unique expertise lie in human health and wellness and science of consciousness (mind, body & heart). 


Sonya approaches both professional and personal development from a mindful standpoint and encourages individuals to tap into their human potential through right-mindfulness and holistic health interventions which results in individuals living authentically and healthier; mentally, physically, emotionally & transpersonally. More information can be found here

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All rights reserved. The Flame® is a registered trademark. All content and images found on may not be reproduced or distributed without written permission. 


 The Flame, Mindfulness Holistic Health & Wellness centre; has transformed over 30,000+  lives through Right-Mindfulness, Holistic Health and Wellness evidence-based integral health interventions. Address: The Flame, Dot com house, Broomfield place, Coventry, CV5 6GY

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