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Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz


Rose Quartz is the stone of unconditional and universal love: 
It restores trust and harmony in relationships, encouraging unconditional love. Rose Quartz purifies and opens the heart at all levels to promote love, self-love, friendship, deep inner healing and feelings of peace. Calming and reassuring, it helps to comfort in times of grief. Rose Quartz dispels negativity and protects against environmental pollution, replacing it with loving vibes. It encourages self forgiveness and acceptance invoking self trust and self worth.


Rose Quartz strengthens and balances the physical heart and circulatory system, and releases impurities from body fluids. It hastens recovery, reduces high blood pressure, aids chest and lung problems, heals the kidneys and adrenals, and alleviates vertigo. A good energetic support for those with leukaemia. Rose Quartz has the power to increase fertility and to protect both mother and unborn fetuses. 


The Rose Quartz stone is strongly attached to both the heart chakra and the throat chakra. But it’s not a stone that simply rests in romance. Rose Quartz speaks softly to all kinds of love; from healing communication with family to developing a deeper bond with spouses and friends, and even bringing sweeter notes of self-care into your own world.


Like all the ancient and highly revered stones of the world, Rose Quartz was crafted into precious jewelry by the Assyrians back in 800 BC. Since then, this soft and bright quartz has passed from civilization to civilization; making peace with the Greeks, preventing the signs of aging in the Egyptians, and used as a claim of ownership during Roman times. All believed in the passionate power of the rare and regal Rose Quartz.


Like sunrise after a rainstorm, or spring sunshine filtering across winter snow – the Rose Quartz comes in colors that lend well to the art of romance. Some Rose Quartz crystals can be as pale as a new dawn and others can be almost violet in color. With its softer than silk name, the Rose Quartz can be smoky, cloudy, or as clear as water. Boasting an earthly element and vibrating at the spiritual number of seven, Rose Quartz manages to occupy that space between being a thing of pure mystery while also being a comforting and gloriously grounding force. The ethos of Rose Quartz is to align your tender heart softly yet energetically with true and loving compassion.


From the Zen-like mountains of Japan to the vanilla cracked pods that sweeten the air in Madagascar, the shores of Brazil and even South Dakota, Rose Quartz occupies space across every corner of the globe. The Rose Quartz meaning takes her name from the pale pink hue of her coloring and from the Greek word Hyalos which means glass. It's a stone rich in mythology and synonymous with the whimsical gods and goddesses of history like Aphrodite and Adonis. She is rich in minerals, Mother Nature granted her with the gift of abundance and it’s clear that the Rose Quartz wants to pass this on to those who long to fix their hearts.


For those who are wooed by the whisper of this most gentle and romantic of all the crystals, let’s delve a little deeper and uncover the sacred secrets and the healing properties of Rose Quartz:


Mental & Emotional Healing Properties:

The other name for which Rose Quartz is known is as The Heart Stone. As mentioned, Rose Quartz is intricately connected to the heart chakra, and this crystal is often used in helping the heart heal from the pain or trauma left from deep emotional wounds. Rose Quartz is also used as a calling card for those who crave more love in their lives. This doesn’t always need to take the form of romantic love, but more in finding a deep sense of compassion and care in this world – especially if it comes from one of the most important sources who can bring it – oneself.


Metaphysical Properties:

If your heart chakra feels blocked you may experience the signs of unhealthy behavior when it comes to relationships. Maybe you will lean more towards co-dependence, be quick to jealousy, have little trust in yourself or others, and often feel unwilling or unworthy enough to give yourself to the grace of love. One of the most stunning Rose Quartz healing properties is its ability to crack open the heart and put you back in alignment so you feel connected, comforted, and open to all the possibilities that a joyous life can bring.

Another beautiful benefit of Rose Quartz is her deep vibration and attunement with the goddess energy. Rose Quartz is connected with the feminine divine, meaning that it carries the aura of compassion and peace and the warmth of mothering – all with the superior strength of spirit. If you feel you need to learn how to self soothe, to be healed by your own hands, and to uplift your own potential into the goddess sphere, then Rose Quartz is a path that will take you there.

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 The Flame, Mindfulness Holistic Health & Wellness centre; has transformed over 30,000+  lives through Right-Mindfulness, Holistic Health and Wellness evidence-based integral health interventions. Address: The Flame, Dot com house, Broomfield place, Coventry, CV5 6GY

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