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A Mindful path to Spiritual Intelligence Retreat

Date: 16th - 18th August 2019
Venue: The Homestead, Shropshire | Price: £375 | Places: 8



About the Retreat

You live in illusions

And the appearance of things.

There is a Reality,

You are that Reality. 
When you recognise this,

You will realise that you are no-thing

And being no-thing, you are everything. Kalu Rinpoche -Tibetan Buddhist  


Cultivating spiritual intelligence – developing wisdom and understanding life


A mindful path to Spiritual intelligence provides you with a gateway to discover your own sense of sacredness, through awakened wisdom.  This unique retreat is designed to enable participants to break through the mental and emotional blindness that obscures the mystery, joy and wonderment of being alive in this day and age.  


The retreat is designed to reach the mental and spiritual nature of ourselves, by cultivating practices that allows awareness to penetrate far below the ego’s restlessness and turmoil, to the sacred core of our being.


The mindful path to Spiritual intelligence retreat opens new ways to see the world, self and relationships. Through discussions, talks and practices cultivating wisdom, participants can begin to experience the sacredness of themselves and the world around them.  


The retreat provides participants with authentic practices that with dedication will provide the most profound levels of awareness and sense of continuity, beyond the impermanence of existence.  Through practice and guidance, the eye of one’s soul opens and they begin to recognise the sacred in all things. 

This retreat dissolves the frequent worry many individuals on the spiritual path have, is there some secret of life that eludes them on their path, or some secret knowledge that could answer their deepest questions, or some understanding that would unlock the deepest mysteries of life?  Yes, there is such a secret, so close, so obvious that few recognise it.




Who is this retreat for?


Anyone who has a genuine interest in spirituality

Anyone who wishes to move beyond their trivial and superficial way of life
Anyone who wishes to cultivate a sense of innate self-worth, trust and joyfulness in life


Participants are required to have a personal meditation practices

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 The Flame, Mindfulness Holistic Health & Wellness centre; has transformed over 30,000+  lives through Right-Mindfulness, Holistic Health and Wellness evidence-based integral health interventions. Address: The Flame, Dot com house, Broomfield place, Coventry, CV5 6GY

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